El Monte Outdoor Community Cat Spay/Neuter Services

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outdoor community cat

The ASPCA partners with local community cat advocate partners to provide spay/neuter services for unowned, outdoor community cats in El Monte via Trap-Neuter-Return-Monitor (TNRM). If you feed, care for, or know of outdoor community cats in your neighborhood, and you want more information about how to help them with spay/neuter services, please contact us.

A high number of cats enter animal shelters from El Monte, indicating that there is a need for strategic spay/neuter services in this area to reduce the number of unowned cats and unwanted behaviors (fighting, smells and excessive noise like yowling). Spaying and neutering also improves the welfare of El Monte’s outdoor cats!


More Ways to Help Cats in El Monte

There are several ways you can help cats in the El Monte area:

  • If you feed, care for, or know of community cats in your neighborhood, and you want more information about how to help them with TNRM, please contact us.
  • Become a kitten foster volunteer! Kitten fosters provide temporary care and support to kittens until they are old enough to be adopted.
  • Adopt a cat or kitten. In the Los Angeles area, we have an incredible need for loving adopters.
puppies behind fence