Finishing Strong to Protect Farm Animals in Massachusetts

Over the past week, hundreds of farm animal advocates met in community centers, libraries and local humane societies across the state of Massachusetts to begin the final push on the Yes on 3 ballot initiative. These dedicated advocates (many of whom gathered hundreds, if not thousands, of signatures last fall to get the question on the state ballot) gathered to replenish their advocacy toolkits and hone their street-canvassing skills, all in the name of getting “Yes on 3” over the finish line this Election Day! Our team was thrilled to be there last week to meet with grassroots advocates and help them prepare for this last phase of the campaign.
The Yes on 3 campaign gives Massachusetts voters the opportunity to outlaw extreme confinement of egg-laying hens, mother pigs and veal calves. It is currently common industry practice to confine animals in cages so small that they can’t turn around or extend their limbs.

If passed by the voters on November 8, this measure would provide the most comprehensive protections for farm animals in the country. Even more impressive, it would be the first of its kind in the world. That’s right, the world! That’s because Question 3 would not only prohibit the use of these cruel confinement methods in Massachusetts—it would also prohibit the in-state sale of imported veal, pork or eggs from farms still employing these cruel methods.
If you live in Massachusetts and want to take part in this momentous campaign, please visit the ASPCA Advocacy Center or email grassroots@aspca.org.