Dogs and Babies

Dogs and Babies

Preparing Your Dog for a New Baby

When you bring a new baby home, your dog will face an overwhelming number of novel sights, sounds and smells. She may find some of them upsetting, especially if she didn’t have opportunities to spend time with children as a puppy. You’ll drastically alter your daily routine, so your dog’s schedule will change, too. And, out of necessity, she’ll get less of your time and attention. It may be a difficult time for her, especially if she’s been the “only child” for a while.

To make things go as smoothly as possible for everyone, it’s important to take some time to prepare your dog for the arrival of your new addition. In the months before the baby comes, you’ll focus on two things:

  • Teaching your dog the skills she’ll need to interact safely with her new family member
  • Helping your dog adjust to the many new experiences and changes ahead

Making a Plan

Your dog will benefit from any training you can accomplish before your baby’s birth.

Teaching Your Dog Important New Skills

Having good verbal control of your dog can really help when it comes to juggling her needs and the baby’s care. The following skills are particularly important.

Preparing Your Dog for Lifestyle Changes

Many dogs experience anxiety when their lifestyles are drastically altered. Although things will change with the arrival of your new baby, you can minimize your dog’s stress by gradually getting her used to these changes in advance.

Prepare Your Dog for the Baby’s Touch and Movement

Bringing the Baby Home

First impressions are important. Your dog should have pleasant experiences with your baby right from the start.

Daily Life with the Baby


Preparing Your Dog for Life with a Toddler

Many dogs who haven’t spent time around children find toddlers confusing and intimidating. Some find them downright scary! Read on to learn about what you can do to influence the developing relationship between your dog and your growing child.

Teach Your Child to Respect Your Dog

As your child develops, teach him to respect your dog’s body, safe zones and belongings. Always supervise interactions so that you can guide your child as he learns to communicate and play with your dog appropriately. Playing an active role in the development of a relationship between your child and your dog will benefit everyone.

Teach Your Dog to Like Other Children

Your child will eventually want to have friends over to play, so it’s important for your dog to become comfortable with unfamiliar children.


puppies behind fence