Cuddly Sourdough Will Wait for You by the Door Every Day!

February 23, 2024


Sourdough is eager to show you how sweet and friendly she can be! She’s looking for a family of her own in New York City or the tri-state area, especially if they are ready to return all the love that she gives!

This confident girl is a cat who knows what she wants in life. Sourdough loves getting attention, especially if that means pets and scratches! Under her chin is usually a purr-fect place to scratch, and she’ll even nudge herself into your hand to make sure you’re petting the best spot. Whenever you’re arriving home, she’ll come running to greet you at the door with the sweetest meows and will happily rub against your leg! New people are never strangers to her either—they’re just new friends!


Sourdough’s ideal person would always be ready for a cuddle session, and who loves lowkey, social cats like her! If it’s time for a snack break, she will be the first to remind you with her cutest chirps, purrs and meows. And when it’s time for a nap, she’ll find a cozy spot near you, always wanting to be close to her human. When she’s at her happiest, she’ll be sure to knead some biscuits with you, and then flop over on her belly. You’ll never see such a content kitty!

This big, beautiful feline can’t wait to be a part of your world. If you’d like to learn more about adopting Sourdough, visit her profile to apply!
